This survey system was lovingly designed and built by 4 Digital. Generation Pup Privacy Policy
Generation Pup is a groundbreaking study of the health, welfare and behaviour of our dogs throught their whole lives.
I confirm that I would like to participate in the Dogs Trust Generation Pup study, that I am 16 years of age or older, and live in the UK or Republic of Ireland. I have read the information provided about the study (including the "Information for Puppy Owners") and understand how my personal data will be used and who to contact if I have questions about it. I understand that all information about me will be treated in the strictest confidence and that the data will be stored securely. I also understand that I can reduce my involvement or withdraw from the study at any time without prejudice.
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Thank you so much for the time and effort it has taken you to complete this questionnaire. The Generation Pup team are very grateful.
Now you can visit the 'manage gallery' feature on your dashboard to upload a photo of your dog for this survey.
IMPORTANT: Please click here to check your vet practice and vet consent details. (These can be updated at any time from your dashboard).
Thank you so much for the time and effort it has taken you to complete this questionnaire. The Generation Pup team are very grateful.
Now you can visit the 'manage gallery' feature on your dashboard to upload a photo of your dog for this survey.
IMPORTANT: Please click here to check your vet practice and vet consent details. (These can be updated at any time from your dashboard).
Thank you so much for the time and effort it has taken you to complete this questionnaire. The Generation Pup team are very grateful.
Now you can visit the 'manage gallery' feature on your dashboard to upload a photo of your dog for this survey.
IMPORTANT: Please click here to check your vet practice and vet consent details. (These can be updated at any time from your dashboard).
Thank you for keeping your records up to date. The Generation Pup team are very grateful.
Thank you for keeping your records up to date. The Generation Pup team are very grateful.
The Generation Pup team are very grateful.
The Generation Pup team are very grateful that you are keeping your records upto date.
Thank you so much for the time and effort it has taken you to complete this questionnaire. The Generation Pup team are very grateful.
Now you can visit the 'manage gallery' feature on your dashboard to upload a photo of your dog for this survey.
IMPORTANT: Please click here to check your vet practice and vet consent details. (These can be updated at any time from your dashboard).
You have attempted to access a survey page that depends on a dog being selected (or added for the first time) via your dashboard. Please try again.
We are interested in collecting samples so that we can analyse them to help identify risk factors for diseases that occur later in life.
If you agree to help by taking samples, we will provide you with sampling kits, give you detailed instructions as to how to take samples safely, and also give you access to instructional videos on our website.
By ticking this box you agree to samples from your dog being stored and analysed by scientific organisations.
Note: Due to restrictions, biological samples cannot easily be sent from the Republic of Ireland to the UK. For this reason we are not currently requesting samples from dog owners in the Republic of Ireland.
The behaviour tests we may ask you to do would involve either recording your dog during one of his / her normal daily activities (such as getting ready to go for a walk or when the postman or woman comes to the door), or doing a simple observational test with your dog and sending us the results.
The behaviour tests are designed to be a positive experience for you and your dog - we would not ask you to do anything that would cause any distress. For any behaviour tests that we ask you to do, we will provide you with a full set of written instructions and a video to illustrate how to do the test.
One area that we are interested in studying is the beneficial effect of owning dogs on human health (particularly mental health and disabilities).
To investigate this, it is useful for us to ask you more questions about your health and that of the members of your household.
No. of dogs: This should exlcude all puppy(s) that you are involving in the Generation Pup survey.
No. of small furry pets: For example guinea pig, gerbil, hamster, rat, etc.
No. of agricultural animals: For example cow, sheep etc.
Thank you very much, a request to upload this will come up on your dashboard when you submit this questionnaire.
Thank you very much, a request to add this information will come up on your dashboard page when you finish this questionnaire.
Thank you. To amend, please go to your Household Profile and edit the number (household members: step 1, animals on step 6).
Sorry, you've reached the maximum number of characters for this field: 250
Sorry, you've reached the maximum number of characters for this field: 500
Sorry, the total amount of hours on the lead must be less than or equal to the total time exercised. Please try again.
Thank you very much, a request to upload your records will come up on your dashboard when you submit this questionnaire.
This cannot be less than 0.
Please note that you've answered more than the maximum number requested - we will only record the first two answers ticked.
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Sorry, you've reached the maximum number of characters for this field: 1000
Sorry, you've reached the maximum number of characters for this field: 2000
Sorry, you've reached the maximum number of characters for this field: 3000
Sorry, you've reached the maximum number of characters for this field: 500
Sorry, you've reached the maximum number of characters for this field: 1500